Earth Has A 2nd Moon For 56 Days

Earth Has A 2nd Moon For 56 Days

Oct 12, 2024


Learn about the unique fate of asteroid Apophis which may soon join Earth's orbit as a mini-moon. Stay informed about this cosmic event!

Earth's 2nd moon named Apophis 99942 to see it return in 2029 where the distance between Earth and Asteroid Apophis 99942, will be less than 19,900 miles which means that it will travel between Earth's atmosphere and our satellites'.

And That Is Just "To Close 4 Comfort!"

This asteroid was discovered on August 7, 2024 by two astronomers from the University of Madrid,

However another article tells us that NASA discovered it back in 2004, which I personally think "not".

In just one month, Earth will encounter the asteroid Apophis, which will come within approximately 180,000 miles of our planet. This close approach is noteworthy, but the second encounter on April 13, 2029.

Falling on Friday the 13th, raises significant concerns among the superstitious. Apophis is measuring about 300 yards in diameter and composed of solid iron, Apophis poses a considerable threat. Its proximity could lead to devastating consequences,

  • including the potential for influencing global crop yields,
  • triggering earthquakes,
  • generating tsunamis.

The impact of such an event would not only disrupt ecosystems but could also jeopardize livelihoods worldwide. Staying informed about these encounters is crucial for preparedness and mitigating risks associated with such celestial bodies.

The say in either event of asteroid Apophis encounters could prove to be treacherous. They just can't say at what degree if any, orbiting Apophis will have in regards to the ocean tides. The tides could become very uneasy.
Just as it says;

Luke 21:25-26

Below is what the Bible says, this is just one of many verses regarding end events to watch for. Another verse as well and it's below.

“And there will be signs in sun and moon and stars, and on the earth distress of nations in perplexity because of the roaring of the sea and the waves, people fainting with fear and with foreboding of what is coming on the world. For the powers of the heavens will be shaken.

I would have to say that these 2 events will definitely cause distress.

To say; "the roaring of the seas and foreboding of what is coming upon the world",

we will have to wait and see.

Matthew 24:6-13

You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come. 7 Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places. 8 All these are the beginning of birth pains.


Reminds me of what "Ronald Reagan" did, back in 1983-84, when 2

magazines caught wind of a couple scientists coming across a "Brown Dwarf"

which had a planet orbiting it and the planet had 4 moons orbiting it.

They wrote and printed an article each.

This Brown Dwarf was said to be heading towards Earth and it was coming from Orion's Belt.

"Ronald Reagan" Had these 2 magazines retract their stories and introduced an Executive Order which stated, "A threat coming from Outer Space, wouldn't be news for the publics ear until it became a threat. Which means that the public wouldn't be warned of such an event until 12-18 month prior to it's arrival.

I have also heard 2 weeks but I could not locate the information to back it up.

Two Magazines were:

New York Times: January 30th, 1983

Titled: "Clues Get Warm In The Search For Planet X"


Us News & World Report: Sept 10th, 1984

Titled: "Planet X Is It Really Out There?"

If Interested, This is a very Good Read:

Remember the above articles were influenced by our Government,
so I wouldn't be so inclined to believe some or any of the narrative, they have been doing their best to cover things of this nature up from the get go.

Asteroid Apophis

In just a month, Earth will temporarily host a second moon, or mini moon, for a period of 56 days, thanks to the gravitational capture of a passing asteroid. This fascinating phenomenon occurs when the asteroid, drawn in by Earth's gravitational pull, enters into a temporary orbit. As it moves around our planet, precise calculations of its trajectory reveal how it will follow a path influenced by both Earth's and the sun's gravitational forces. Ultimately, the sun's stronger pull will cause the mini moon to break free from Earth's orbit and resume its journey through space. This event offers a unique observational opportunity for astronomers and enthusiasts alike.

Acts 2:19

And I will show wonders in the heavens above and signs on the earth below, blood, and fire, and vapor of smoke;

Look at how much media coverage there was on the eclipse we had on October 2nd 2024, compared to the one in April of 2024. It's like night and day around here.

It's because the media and television is owned by 4 corporations. You watch what they want you to watch.

This is the reason why you only hear about negative and false accusation about presidential runner, Mr. Donald Trump.

They don't like him because he won't play ball meaning kick backs.

Mini Moons

Asteroids that orbit Earth for a while are known as mini-moons. Because they are small and move quickly, they are hard to spot and identify. Sometimes, these objects are actually man-made, like leftover parts of rockets or spacecraft.

For example, the European Space Agency's Gaia spacecraft was once mistaken for an asteroid.

Raúl de la Fuente Marcos, an astronomer from University of Madrid, notes that whenever an object with an Earth-like orbit is discovered, there is a chance it might be space debris.

However, he believes that 2024 PT5 is definitely a natural asteroid.

The asteroid was first seen on August 7 using NASA’s Asteroid Terrestrial-impact Last Alert System, or ATLAS.

Astronomers predict that 2024 PT5 will make a two-month-long orbit around Earth.

Interestingly, the asteroid might have a special origin. Paul Chodas, from NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, suggests it could be a piece of debris from a moon impact. In other words, our new mini-moon could be a small chunk of the actual moon.

However, 2024 PT5 may not technically be a mini-moon because it won’t complete a full orbit around Earth. Lance Benner, who leads asteroid radar research at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, says it won’t fully revolve around Earth, so it might not qualify as a mini-moon.

Whether or not it’s a true mini-moon, asteroids like 2024 PT5 are important. They might contain valuable metals that could one day be mined. Dr. Spoto mentions that asteroid mining is a hot topic, and having a metal-rich asteroid close to Earth would be a great opportunity for future space mining.

Planetary defense researchers are also interested in asteroids like 2024 PT5. They mainly focus on finding large asteroids, about 460 feet across, that could destroy a city. So far, about 11,000 of these large asteroids have been found, but there are still millions of smaller ones that could be dangerous if they hit a populated area.
The discovery of 2024 PT5 shows that there is a lot of activity around Earth, and knowing where all these space rocks are is very important for everyone on the planet.


As we prepare for the return of Asteroid Apophis in 2029, the reality of its close approach, just under 19,900 miles from Earth, raises significant concerns about our planet's safety. This event is not only a reminder of our vulnerability in space but also highlights the importance of continued monitoring and research of near-Earth objects. With its second encounter happening soon, it's crucial to stay informed and engaged with the developments in asteroid tracking. Stay tuned for updates, as our understanding of these celestial bodies will shape our preparedness for the future.

People should pay attention and do their own due diligence and see for themselves,

Some of these celestial events align with biblical prophecies like the blood moons or you could say anything that seems unnatural or out of the norm, urging everyone to seek truth while time remains. These signs serve as reminders of the deeper meanings within scripture and our connection to the universe. It is essential to stay informed and open your heart to understanding.

If you rely on your mind and your senses, your going to be lost.

Take this opportunity to explore your beliefs and be proactive in your spiritual journey. The time to seek knowledge and truth is now.

You never know when your choice of where you go after death is snuffed out by

death himself.

Only then will you realize and think, wow! I should have searched my heart and spirit for the truth of what lye's on the other side of the veil.

I Challenge You To Perform This Exercise

Open the New Testament to any passage except Revelations and read with intention. Speak these words before you read:

"Jesus, I want to believe in you, but my family never talked much about you. I started believing what I heard from the media.

If you are real Jesus, Please reveal yourself to me?

As I read your word, I ask that you reveal yourself to me. Touch my spirit and let me know I have a soul. So without a doubt, I will know that you are the son of God.

I humbly ask that you do this. I will dedicate time every day in reading your word. I will follow you, Jesus." Spend the next 30 minutes immersed in your reading. Concentrate on the text and pay close attention to the sensations in your gut, allowing the Holy Spirit to guide your understanding and connection. This focused approach can foster a deeper spiritual awareness and help clarify your beliefs.

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