From Followers to Faders:            The Struggle Against Spiritual Drift

From Followers to Faders:            The Struggle Against Spiritual Drift

Jan 17, 2025

Article Cover Page Image: "From Followers to Faders: The Struggle Against Spiritual Drift'

Humanity stands at a crossroads, with most of the world unaware of the spiritual battle unfolding around them. Deceptive thoughts, false beliefs, and worldly distractions have blinded over 95% of the population to the truth found in God’s Word. Even the elect of our world meaning, "Governments" like the United States, continually deceive their people.

In fear of loosing control over their own. They are following protocols established a century ago by the a-cults our forefathers participated in. Top two that come to mind are; ( Illuminati or the Free Mason's) Which have their own agenda playing out in Washington. Yet, it is underground, under the "White House and under the other buildings on premises.

If interested the authors name on this subject: Thomas Horn

Book Cover written by Thomas Horn

He explains everything built under Washington

The Catholic church claimed key books to be "Pseudepigrapha," and deleted what they thought was controversy to their own understanding. Then they made up some of their own ideas and added them to their protocol. For example: "Kissing of the ring" and "Penance: was made up for the person to perform deeds in order to become right with the Catholic Church again, (Not Jesus) Back when they first came up with this junk, Penance was a way to publicly humiliate a Christian for life.

Another way for religion to keep control over the people.

Throughout history, religious institutions, including some Catholic traditions, have left many disillusioned, especially as scandals have come to light, tarnishing their reputation and alienating their followers. Despite this, the core truth of God’s Word remains untarnished and ever relevant. Today, we delve into the urgent call to seek truth, the consequences of ignoring it, and the ultimate revelation foretold in the Book of Revelation—a warning of what lies ahead for those who choose to remain in darkness.

The worlds darkness has hit an all time high, with Governments being infiltrated by the "prince of this Earth" setting his agenda in play centuries ago when he also captured the church. Implementing rules as I hinted above, discouraging the true compassionate people of this world. Inhibiting a deep rooted negative feeling towards God.

All of these individual acts spoken above were implemented through a thought and or feeling. Individuals in high places, feeds these thoughts to others who will listen. Out of this, "the church created Crusades marching through towns, killing people in the name of Jesus. These kinds of things litter our history but does not taint Jesus Christ, unless you only read the tabloids and not do your due-diligence.

But remember this; Man does what he wants, Lucifer through man works diligently to taint the perception of Christ. But the Lords word will never be tainted. Man may omit books from the Bible but from what I have gathered, If anyone wants to know God, "He Is to Read The Word Of God" and open his or her heart to what comes next.

This is where God examines your heart. If He sees that you are unwilling to shift your perspective—whether due to past traditions, personal pride, or other reasons—He may allow you to remain in deception. For such a person, ignorance becomes their bliss.

Biblical Perspective on These Topics:

Article Section Image: "From Followers to Faders: The Struggle Against Spiritual Drift'

listen to what is being said, stop & read again & again, until you remember & understand.

1. Contradictory Thoughts:

  • Biblical Insight: "For the flesh desires what is contrary to the Spirit, and the Spirit what is contrary to the flesh" (Galatians 5:17).
  • Explanation: These thoughts arise from the sinful nature (flesh) and spiritual warfare.

2. Origin of Thoughts:

  • Biblical Insight: "The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it?" (Jeremiah 17:9).
  • Explanation: Thoughts can be influenced by our fallen nature and external spiritual forces.

3. Distractions:

  • Biblical Insight: "Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour" (1 Peter 5:8).
  • Explanation: The enemy seeks to prevent us from engaging with God’s Word.

4. Uniqueness of the Bible:

  • Biblical Insight: "All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness" (2 Timothy 3:16).
  • Explanation: The Bible is divinely inspired and uniquely comprehensive.

Steps to Overcome Negative Thoughts:

  • Renew the Mind:
  • Scripture: "Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind" (Romans 12:2).
  • Implementation: Read Scripture daily and meditate on its truths.

  • Guard the Heart:
  • Scripture: "Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it" (Proverbs 4:23).
  • Implementation: Avoid influences that contradict biblical principles.

  • Resist the Devil:
  • Scripture: "Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you" (James 4:7).
  • Implementation: Pray and declare God’s Word over your life.

  • Focus on Righteousness:
  • Scripture: "But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well" (Matthew 6:33).
  • Implementation: Prioritize spiritual growth and obedience to God.

Once You Understand Truth and What Is Really Going On,

Then and only then can you take action.

Reclaim What Was Stolen From You!

It could be your innocence, your joy,

Your peace of mind, and so much more.

I am stronger than I’ve allowed myself to believe.

It is time for me to wake up and take back control of my Self,

my Thoughts, and how I Perceive Myself.

Here’s a possible path forward:

Say this prayer like you mean it and believe it!

I declare: ENOUGH!

I am awake.

I rebuke you, Lucifer—the deceiver who creeps in through the back door, The veil has been lifted and we see you for what you are.

Your only aim is to steal the greatest gift ever given: the forgiveness of sins through Jesus Christ’s sacrifice.

We believe in Him and are saved by His blood. But for you, Lucifer, it’s too late. We see your tricks.

In the mighty name of Jesus Christ, I command you to go.

Be gone!

Plan for Staying on the Path of Righteousness:

  1. Daily Devotion: Start each day with prayer, Bible reading, and reflection.
  2. Accountability: Join a small group or Bible study to stay encouraged.
  3. Positive Environment: Surround yourself with uplifting music, literature, and media.
  4. Regular Worship: Attend church services and engage in communal worship.
  5. Service: Volunteer or participate in ministry to reinforce your faith.
  6. Memorize Scripture: Commit key verses to memory to combat negative thoughts.

Step-by-Step Outline for Community and Church Engagement:

  1. Research: Look for local churches with Bible-based teachings.
  2. Visit: Attend a few services to find a community that resonates with you.
  3. Connect: Introduce yourself to members and participate in small groups.
  4. Serve: Join volunteer teams or ministries within the church.
  5. Grow: Take part in Bible studies, workshops, and prayer meetings.

Everyone needs someone, especially when your escaping the negative.
If you hear thoughts like, "you don't need anyone" you know that is not from you and rebuke it right away.

Visual Representation Request:

Path to Righteousness:

  1. Evil Character: A shadowy figure with fiery eyes, representing deception and distraction.
  2. Righteous Path Character: A figure clad in radiant light, symbolizing spiritual clarity and truth.
  3. Visual Pathway:
  • Righteous Path: A glowing, tree-lined road leading to a bright city on a hill.
  • Alternative Path: A dark, barren path fading into chaos and ruin.

Questions for Reflection:

  1. Why do I often have thoughts that contradict the Bible or its teachings?
  2. Where do these thoughts originate, and can I trust them?
  3. Why do distractions arise when I attempt to engage with the Bible?
  4. Why is the Bible the only book that provides accounts and guidance for every aspect of human life?

Generic Answers:

  1. Contradictory Thoughts: These thoughts may come from cultural influences, personal doubts, or inner conflicts.
  2. Origin of Thoughts: Thoughts can arise from our subconscious mind, societal conditioning, or spiritual influences.
  3. Distractions: The mind tends to resist focus on challenging or transformative subjects, preferring comfort or entertainment.
  4. Uniqueness of the Bible: The Bible offers comprehensive guidance because it is regarded as divinely inspired, addressing human nature and morality.

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